Pas à Genève | FILM


Five years ago we formed a collective to make films. We stopped being individuals to become lacasinegra. On July 2011, in the midst of the “indignados” movement in Spain, we were invited to spend a few days in Geneva. Being so far away from everything we cared for, and feeling overwhelmed by the situation we were living, we wound up defying ourselves with a titanic, perhaps absurd challenge: To film everything. Absolutely everything. Pas à Genève is the hallucinated tale of what we lived those days.


XI Seville European Film festival 2014, IV Festival Márgenes, Nominee at Prix Scribe pour le cinéma 2014, V Festival de Cinema d’Autor de Barcelona, V International Film Festival Lima Independiente, XI International Independent Film Festival of La Plata FestiFreak, V Atlantida Film Fest.

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